Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lesson 97-His Wreath

I decided that since football is so important to the hubs, that he could have some of his own football themed decorations.  With the beginning of the 2010 season this week its time to share the wreath I created for Husband.

  • 2 rolls of green ribbon (1.5 in wide)
  • 1 roll white ribbon (1/2 in wide)
  • Styrofoam wreath
  • 2 packages of football buttons
  • football Christmas ornaments (you know you've seen 'em in stores since July!)
  • hot glue gun w/ extra glue
  • kitchen knife
  • scissors
  • Scotch tape
  • Gorilla glue

Step 1:  Wrap green ribbon around entire wreath.  I just used scotch tape to keep the ends in place.

Step 2:  I wrapped pieces of the white ribbon around the wreath.  I visually broke the wreath into 16ths (apparently geometry actually did do me some good).  These are the yard lines.  Used hot glue this time to keep the ends in place.

Step 3:  I arranged the buttons where I wanted on the wreath.  I then placed straight pins there to mark the spot.  With the kitchen knife I stabbed a hole through the ribbon into the wreath form.  I took a button, put Gorilla glue on the back and stuck it on the wreath.  I had to hold it firm for a while while the glue set.

Step 4:  Now it was time to attach the ornaments.  One was a cooler with a helmet laying next to it.  I decided that one dangle in the middle.  It is held in place with just a straight pin.  So far that's working fairly nicely.

I then added some ribbon at the top for hanging purposes.  The only football ribbon I found was too thin, so I just glued it to some thicker ribbon and then glued both to the back of the wreath.  Here it is hanging on our door.  


I think Husband was excited to finally get to hang it.  At least I hope he was!  But I wasn't going to make it team specific.  I don't want to make him feel bad because my team is superior to his ;-)


  1. That is so cute! Glad he likes it!

    If my husband was that into football I'd totally make him one... but maybe I'll just make one to represent different things he loves.

    So, what are your teams?

  2. He is a 49ers fan. Like beyond all reason. My fave team is the Patriots. And more specifically Tom Brady! ;-)
    If you decide to make a different version for you husband, I'd love to see it!


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